<![CDATA[BRAINWORKING RECURSIVE THERAPY - IRELAND - Blog]]>Wed, 12 Mar 2025 09:36:41 +0000Weebly<![CDATA[Ireland is Facing a Mental Health Crisis]]>Sun, 16 Feb 2025 14:49:39 GMThttp://www.bwrtireland.ie/blog/ireland-is-facing-a-mental-health-crisis
Ireland is facing a mental health crisis. 

With long waiting lists and limited access to effective therapies, too many people are struggling alone. 

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

BWRT® (BrainWorking Recursive Therapy) is a fast, effective, and empowering therapy that can help people break free from anxiety, trauma, and more—quickly and without years of expensive sessions.
Yet, despite there being hundreds of BWRT practitioners all around the world, there aren’t enough practitioners in Ireland to deal with the issue. People deserve more.

Could you be the one to change that? If you are working with people and their problems, or if you're running a mental health organisation, I urge you to explore this groundbreaking technique and see the profound changes you can make in the lives of your patients and clients.

The next training course starts in April, 2025. 

Join us... 

#BWRT #MentalHealthCrisis #TherapistTraining #IrelandNeedsYou #MakeADifference
<![CDATA[BWRT and Anxiety]]>Mon, 02 Dec 2024 11:09:39 GMThttp://www.bwrtireland.ie/blog/bwrt-and-anxiety'When anxiety strikes... you can think you're going mad.'

Many people resign themselves to thinking 'it's just the way I am,' believing there isn't a possibility of feeling any other way. However, that isn't the case. BrainWorking Recursive Therapy can help - all we need to know is how that anxiety feels when it strikes, and how you'd love to feel instead. Then your practitioner can work with you and your brain, to help bring about the desired outcome. 

I have been using BWRT in my practice for 10 years now and it is my preferred technique when clients get in touch for help with anxiety. I have helped hundreds of people with a number of different issues. What I feel is ideal with BWRT is that it is done in the session; there's no need to be practicing any techniques when you leave, or any need for any coping skills/mechanisms. You won't need them, because the particular problem will have been dealt with. 

Have a look at this quick video by BWRT creator, Terence Watts, for more insight! 

To get in touch to book your Zoom appointment, please fill out the appointment form on the website. 
<![CDATA[Harness Cutting-Edge Neuroscience for Rapid Results - Train as a BWRT Practitioner]]>Mon, 13 May 2024 19:35:35 GMThttp://www.bwrtireland.ie/blog/harness-cutting-edge-neuroscience-for-rapid-results-train-as-a-bwrt-practitionerTraining as a BWRT Practitioner could be the very best thing you do for your therapeutic business.

Embark on a journey of transformation and empowerment with the next upcoming BWRT training.

Join us in Castlebar on Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd June, 2024, for an immersive live training experience, or opt for our convenient online training starting Wednesday 4th September, running once a week for 10 weeks.

Whether you're a seasoned practitioner looking to expand your skill set or new to the field and eager to make a difference, BWRT will help you to achieve rapid, lasting results for your clients. Don't miss this opportunity to elevate your practice and transform lives. Reserve your spot now and embark on the path to becoming a certified BWRT practitioner.

Contact me, or have a look at the training page here

You will not regret it!

#neuroscience #NeuroscienceNews #neuroscienceresearch #cuttingedgetherapy #science #sciencefacts #sciencebased #neural #neuroplasticity #BWRT #brainworking #therapy #therapytime #therapyroom #besttherapy #besttherapyever
<![CDATA[Needle Phobia? BWRT Can Help!]]>Fri, 08 Oct 2021 12:44:25 GMThttp://www.bwrtireland.ie/blog/needle-phobia-bwrt-can-helpFear of Needles? 
I won’t share a picture of an actual medical needle for obvious reasons! Sometimes just the sight of one can send someone into those familiar feelings of fear, panic, or anxiety. This is something I have dealt with before, but even more so now, due to the covid vaccine. 

A fear of needles can sometimes be something people can easily live with, however, it can be dangerous when it comes to certain illnesses such as those when we need regular blood tests. It can prevent women from getting pregnant because they are afraid of all the necessary checks. It can hold people back from travelling, when they learn of different vaccines they might need, to be able to travel to certain countries. Whatever the reason, I can help, and I usually use BWRT (BrainWorking Recursive Therapy) to do so, because it is quick, effective, and we don’t need to find the reason for the fear in the first place. All you need is to know exactly how you would like to feel instead. 

Contact me for more information or to book your appointment, in-person or online! 
<![CDATA[Needle Phobia? BWRT Can Help!]]>Tue, 22 Aug 2017 07:45:57 GMThttp://www.bwrtireland.ie/blog/bwrt-in-the-daily-mailFear of Needles? 
I won’t share a picture of an actual medical needle for obvious reasons! Sometimes just the sight of one can send someone into those familiar feelings of fear, panic, or anxiety. This is something I have dealt with before, but even more so now, due to the covid vaccine. 

A fear of needles can sometimes be something people can easily live with, however, it can be dangerous when it comes to certain illnesses such as those when we need regular blood tests. It can prevent women from getting pregnant because they are afraid of all the necessary checks. It can hold people back from travelling, when they learn of different vaccines they might need, to be able to travel to certain countries. Whatever the reason, I can help, and I usually use BWRT (BrainWorking Recursive Therapy) to do so, because it is quick, effective, and we don’t need to find the reason for the fear in the first place. All you need is to know exactly how you would like to feel instead. 

Contact me for more information or to book your appointment, in-person or online! 
<![CDATA[Your Anxieties Do Not Define You]]>Mon, 11 Jul 2016 15:47:19 GMThttp://www.bwrtireland.ie/blog/your-anxieties-do-not-define-you-and-they-no-longer-have-to-control-you An Article About BWRT®

Wouldn’t it be great if you could just walk into that crowded room, shop, or party, without feeling any anxiety? Imagine being able to board that plane, and go somewhere lovely and warm, enjoying a well-earned Summer break? How about going to the doctor, and having not one ounce of anxiety when they suggest you get bloods taken? 

BWRT® is a revolutionary new therapy, based on the latest discoveries about the way the brain works, and how it affects our moods, behaviours, and emotions. Personal problems, fears, anxieties, even severe difficulties that have lasted for years can melt away, and often in just a single session. BWRT® can even be carried out via the internet, so a lack of confidence, feelings of awkwardness or tight schedules need not be an obstacle to improving your life. It even allows a ‘core of privacy’, so that you don’t have to divulge anything you’d rather not talk about. All the practitioner needs to know is how you feel in/about a certain situation, and how you would prefer to feel instead - or - what you want to be able to do, or be able to stop doing.

You may be familiar with the quote ‘if you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change the way you think about it’. Never before has it been so simple to actually do just that, with the help of BWRT®. By altering the neural pathways in the brain, you can feel the way you want to feel about a situation, event, or set of circumstances. In an interview given by Terence Watts, creator, he said it was actually easier to list what BWRT® cannot help with, than what it can, because the list of issues that can be assisted is so vast.

BWRT® can assist with:
·         Weight management
·         Habits
·         Relationship problems
·         Stress and Anxiety
·         Social Phobia
·         Fears
·         Generalised Anxiety Disorder (G.A.D.)
·         PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
·         Depression

In a session, you are guided to use just your own thoughts - without the therapist even needing to know what those thoughts are - in a special way to create a totally natural change that comes from within you, rather than from something the therapist says or does. All the work is done in a completely ‘awake state’ and doesn’t use hypnosis or any spiritual or religious ideas of any sort - it’s completely logical, practical and down-to-earth, and all it needs to be successful is for you to want something in your life to be different.

It can also help with things like:
·         Why we sometimes can’t stop ourselves doing things.
·         Why we sometimes feel that we just cannot do something we would really like to.
·         Why we so often limit ourselves from getting on with life.
·         Why we sometimes give up on something without even trying properly to do it.
·         Why we sometimes fear something when there's no real reason to do so.
·         Why some situations 'trigger' uncomfortable feelings, even though we have no idea why.
·         Why therapy doesn't always work as we want it to.

I have been a clinical hypnotherapist for 12 years, however since I trained in BWRT®, my working methods have been enhanced in so many ways. With BWRT®, so far I have helped people with many things including jealousy issues, fear of needles, severe social anxiety, fear of leaving the house, fear of driving, fear of heights, nail biting, performance anxiety (golf, Irish dancing), fear of being sick, fear of flying, fear of cats, exam stress, concerns about what people think, alcohol reduction, fear of water and swimming, even a habit one client had had for 30 years. Other practitioners have helped an even wider range of issues, and more testimonials can be read on the official website. South African Psychologist Rafiq Lockhat says "I am astounded by the results... I have been a Clinical Psychologist for 23 years now and I have yet to see a treatment work this fast and so effectively."

If you feel you know someone who could benefit from BWRT®, show them this article, or point them toward our website. Many people are held back by debilitating anxieties or stresses, believing that this is just the way they are and that it can’t be helped. In truth, that is not necessarily the case, and things can be helped, and faster than you might imagine.
